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Chinese translation for "acoustic meter"


Related Translations:
acoustics:  n.1.〔用作 sing.〕声学。2.〔用作 pl.〕 (剧院等的)音响装置,音响效果。短语和例子The acoustics of this theater are faulty [admirable]. 这个剧院的音响效果不好[很好]。
acoustic:  adj.1.听觉的;声学的。2.助听的;传音的。3.原声的,不经过电子设备传声的。adv.-tically 在听觉上;在声学上。
acoustic mine:  感音(磁性)水雷。
acoustic nerves:  听神经。
acoustic phonogram:  传音唱片。
acoustic wave:  声波。
acoustic magnetic mine:  感音(磁性)水雷。
Example Sentences:
1.The study includes the hole color tv imagery system for drill hole , even - pole bore - hole acoustic system and acoustic meter , bore - hole multi - point consolidation apparatus , the quick camera computer - aid image for high rocky slope , image technology for layer analysis , safety monitoring technology for the section close to the dam , software for processing and forecasting the slope monitoring data , high precision geodesy monitoring automation system , etc . . all the study results are new , advanced and practical , which has applied in the project and gained the obvious benefits
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